Hello. I'm Kalvir Sandhu. Known as Kalv to friends.
- HiBy R4 Review
- UK tech thoughts
- Weave
- Celebrating my work.
- Smaller Digital Images
- Keyboard only experience review note
- In ear headphones 2024
- Software vs Hardware
- Was Wall-E right?
- Wildfire and AI
- Legal in AI
- Private AI
- Hello Remix
- Sourcing developer talent
- Joining a company remotely
- Ember.js learning resources and libraries
- A startup not in the valley isn't going to work, right?
- Better task management and more cloud please
- Forget Tender, Get satisfaction, is an email address enough?
- My 2013 setup of hardware & software
- It's true what they say, spend more time doing Business Development
- Founding a startup with a newborn, 2 year old and in a new city
- Engaging with early users to learn Habits
- How a Ruby guy decided to add node.js to the mix
- Turn off annoying Skype auto gain
- Learning Ruby / Rails
- Making Textmate play nice with RVM
- Small things I like about HTML 5
- Fastest Ruby RSS Parser?
- Playing with Macvim
- LRUG talk on websockets
- Stop being clever Capybara
- Git commit all deleted files
- Testing (TDD) in early Tech Startups?
- My face in wired uk
- Saving HTTP requests for testing
- How to beat the pirates
- My Guardian Mashup